Průmyslová zóna Mošnov (Ostrava-Mošnov development area), AZ-Geo s.r.o. – the objective of the mathematical modelling was to evaluate the options of the disposal of rainwater into the groundwater, to examine the interaction of the existing and newly emerging seepage, to examine the impact of seepage on the remediated old environmental burden in the area of Železniční cargo (Railway cargo) and, last but not least, to design a simulation for extreme precipitation. The MODFLOW, Hydrus and MT3DMS codes were used for the modelling.
TGME Blyde River Tailings Dam Extension, Simmer & Jack Mines Limited – deep gold mine, Mpumalanga province, South Africa. Within the expansion of gold mining, the sludge settling basins were planned to be enlarged. A space designated for this purpose was the subject of a detailed hydrogeological study encompassing the modelling of unsaturated and saturated zone, including the development of a transport model for the purpose of emergency planning. The MODFLOW, Hydrus and MT3DMS codes were used for the modelling.
Tovačov, Remízek site, OHGS s.r.o. – the goal of the mathematical modelling was to simulate the impact of the opencast gravel-sand mining progress on the groundwater flow between the gravel quarry and the Morava River. The modelling also comprised simulations of extreme flow rates in the Morava River, both for the current and the projected final scope of the mining area. All these operations were performed with respect to the assessment of the mining area’s approximation impact on the so-called Skašovská dam, primarily on the stability of this barrier that forms a significant element in the flood protection. The MODFLOW, Hydrus and SEEP2D codes were used for the modelling.