Transport simulation of the so-called contamination solutes, using oxidation-reduction processes

These tasks are mostly carried out in relation to the removal of various environmental disasters or old environmental liabilities. These usually are simulations of the transport of solutes of some organic (fuels, solvents, oils or residues from various industrial production) or inorganic contaminants (usually heavy metals), which interact with the aquifer environment thereby affecting the

Transport simulation of the so-called contamination solutes, using oxidation-reduction processes Read More »

The balance groundwater flow models for the purposes of calculation of the water balance in hydrogeological regions

CZECH GEOLOGICAL SERVICE, RE-BALANCE OF GROUNDWATER RESERVES IN SELECTED AREAS OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC The objective of the project was to re-evaluate the natural sources of groundwater in 56 selected hydrogeological regions which – combined – account for approximately one third of the area of the Czech Republic. The project comprised 11 activities in total,

The balance groundwater flow models for the purposes of calculation of the water balance in hydrogeological regions Read More »

Groundwater flow models, including the modelling of an unsaturated zone as a significant part of the project

Průmyslová zóna Mošnov (Ostrava-Mošnov development area), AZ-Geo s.r.o. – the objective of the mathematical modelling was to evaluate the options of the disposal of rainwater into the groundwater, to examine the interaction of the existing and newly emerging seepage, to examine the impact of seepage on the remediated old environmental burden in the area of Železniční

Groundwater flow models, including the modelling of an unsaturated zone as a significant part of the project Read More »

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