The administrator of personal data and at the same time the operator of the website www.hydrogeolog.cz is a business company: Groundwater Consulting Services sro, IČ: 28630301, DIČ: CZ28630301, File number: C 35629 kept at the Regional Court in Ostrava, Registered office: Čihalíkova 350/26, Michálkovice, 715 00 Ostrava
The administrator undertakes that the processing and handling of personal data takes place in accordance with Act No. 101/2000 Coll. on the protection of personal data and other legislation, in particular REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL.
Personal data is not collected or processed on this website. There is no personal identification of individual users or merging with other data.
When browsing the website, your visitor’s IP address, the length of the visit and from which page the visitor came are recorded. We consider the use of cookies to measure website traffic and customize the display of websites as a legitimate interest of the administrator.
Certain information can be retrieved from the website URL and this can be stored in the form of cookies (small text files) in the memory of the visitor’s web browser. To increase user comfort, cookies are used on this website. Cookies are used on most websites today, and most web browsers automatically accept cookies. Each visitor can disable the use of cookies directly in the settings of the web browser used. Disabling cookies can have a negative effect on the running of this website with limited functionality. For the correct operation of this website, we recommend leaving cookies active.
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Additional third party cookies google.com are used to display Google maps.
The visitor who provided his personal information has the right to:
require restrictions on the processing of personal data
withdraw their consent at any time
edit your personal data
raise objections in justified cases against the processing of your personal data
file a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection
request the transfer of their personal data
to access your personal data through an email inquiry
in certain cases, the right to be notified of a personal data breach
“To be forgotten”, ie the right to delete personal data, unless their processing is ordered by another legal regulation or other legal obligation
ask what personal data I process about you. You can use this right for free 3 times a year. Each additional inquiry will be charged CZK 300 for each application.
The visitor may send all requests at any time in writing to info@gcs-cz.biz or the delivery address below.
This website also contains links to other websites that are not part of this website. The administrator is only responsible for sites located on the hydrogeolog.cz domain.
Contact details of the operator:
business company: Groundwater Consulting Services s.r.o., IČ: 28630301, DIČ: CZ28630301, File number: C 35629 kept at the Regional Court in Ostrava, Registered office: Čihalíkova 350/26, Michálkovice, 715 00 Ostrava
Address: Groundwater Consulting Services s.r.o., Čihalíkova 350/26, Michálkovice, 715 00 Ostrava
e-mail address: info@gcs-cz.biz
Telephone Number: +420 777 144 487